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Facing the Future
A fun-packed illustrated 306-page hard back book full of quirky faces Tracy discovered on her daily walk and runs during Lockdown 3. Every day from Lent to so called 'Freedom Day,' a face popped up in the everyday, ordinary object, whether it was a pavement, pole, bark, gate or implement. Accompanied by inspiring text, this new book is punctuated with playfulness that will challenge you to look around with a new perspective.






The Canary Sings


A playful insight into St Helens' heritage through the eyes of tour guides Coaly and Paney, who represent two key industries: coal and glass. As a miner, Coaly digs deep to discover the town's treasures, whilst as a pane of glass, Paney reflects and looks ahead to the future. Written and illustrated with help from year 5 pupils in St Helens, this book was commissioned for the town. Published by Spotty Flamingo, 10% of profits go to Barnado's, St Helens. 







Taking a Leaf out of the Good Book
An inspirational, unique and playful approach to unpacking Scripture using leaf folk and words. It is a unique daily record of Lent through to Lockdown 2020 yet remains relevant and provides encouragement no matter what the circumstances. A keepsake book, this hard-back bespoke 256 fully illustrated book is an ideal present and a real treasure. Published by Spotty Flamingo, 10% of profits will go to local charity. 






Capel Cochineal & Stanley Sheep's School Project - Stroud's String of Pearls.

This tells the story of Stroud’s unique mill history through the characters who made its famous Scarlet cloth, namely a cochineal bug called Capel and a sheep named Stanley. Published by The History Press in early September 2019, this school project, presented in an exercise book fashion by Year 5/6 pupils Capel and Stanley; captures the imagination and engages primary school pupils – and all those interested in our local history – in a fun-loving way.  







My Twin Sisters Spag & Bol 

Spag & Bol - two very different ingredients; one delicious dish. Not so delicious when they are your twin sisters and have stolen your position as baby of the family. This 32-page children's book, told in Grace's words, follows her journey to crack the twin code and enter what appears to be a magical secret world that her new sisters share.






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